
2015年11月3日—源於法國,不過在歐洲的lemonade是指檸檬原汁加入開水(不加糖)或是加入蘇打水。,2019年5月23日—Lemonjuiceisjustthejuicethatcomesoutofalemon.Itisverysour.Lemonadeismadeoutofwater,sugar,andlemonjuice.Itisa ...,Lemonadereferstoasweetened,lemon-flavoreddrink,whilelemonisacitrusfruitusedincooking,baking,andforitsjuice.Itisimportanttounderstand ...,2016年6月29日—@Bernice:Lemonadeisadrinkmade...

lemon juice檸檬原汁lemonade檸檬汁或稱檸檬水

2015年11月3日 — 源於法國,不過在歐洲的lemonade是指檸檬原汁加入開水(不加糖)或是加入蘇打水。

lemonade and lemon juice

2019年5月23日 — Lemon juice is just the juice that comes out of a lemon. It is very sour. Lemonade is made out of water, sugar, and lemon juice. It is a ...

Lemonade vs Lemon

Lemonade refers to a sweetened, lemon-flavored drink, while lemon is a citrus fruit used in cooking, baking, and for its juice. It is important to understand ...

"lemonade" 和"lemon water" 和"lemon juice" 的差別在哪裡?

2016年6月29日 — @Bernice: Lemonade is a drink made of lemon, water, and sugar. The lemonade was too sour because my mother did not add enough sugar.

Lemon Juice vs Lemonade

2023年8月9日 — Short Answer: Lemon juice is healthier than lemonade because it has more vitamin C and less sugar.

Why is lemonade better than other fruit juices?

2020年8月6日 — Lemonade is made from lemon juice, sugar, and water. The lemon juice acts as a base, imparting a tart but pleasant flavor to the drink. There's ...

Is lemon infused water the same as lemonade?

2015年5月22日 — No. Lemonade uses a lot of lemon juice, and adds copious sugar to balance the acidity. An infused water will probably have a few slices of lemon ...

Does lemonade count as juice?

2023年2月13日 — Lemonade, as we most commonly think of it, consists of water, lemon juice, and sugar. Now you might read that and think lemon juice is juice ...